Kids Room Flooring – Cork
Kids’ areas are the ideal space for cork flooring. Cork kids room flooring provides a soft, durable, noise reducing floor that provides the perfect surface for areas that are used by children. Cork flooring offers a smooth, easy to clean surface that wears and wears. Cork’s antimicrobial properties help keep their space free of allergens. A fully sealed cork floor (site finished with two coats of water based polyurethane) means a worry free surface built to last.

Cork’s famous sound reducing properties are more than equal to the task of keeping kids spaces calm and quiet. Cork’s ability to absorb mid to high frequency sounds (like the high pitched sounds of children’s laughter) is well documented. Adding a cork underlay to a cork floating floor greatly reduces volume and echoes from escaping.

Forna Cork flooring has been successfully installed in homes of children with formaldehyde allergies. People with chemical sensitivities have been purchasing Forna Cork kids room flooringproducts for years. Forna’s European standards ensure high-end flooring products available to the North American market. Forna products are CARB certified and are ranked as “Formaldehyde Free” by CARB testing facilities.

To site finish (seal) Forna Cork flooring we highly recommend working with some of the toughest polyurethane on the market. Loba 2K Supra Advanced Technology (AT) is a very low VOC product out of Germany (130g/L). It is a new formulation that is infused with ceramic nano-bead technology (hence the Advanced Technology branding). The Loba 2K Supra AT out performs Bona Traffic by 360% (Taber Abrasion test). Loba 2K Supra AT Satin offers a velvety finish with pleasing satin glow. Since switching from the age old favorite Loba WS 2K Supra AT, we are extremely pleased with all performance aspects of the new AT. Our clients love it. Our professional finishers are impressed by it. The producers at Loba-Wakol have improved on a master piece.
A child’s safety is of the greatest importance to a parent. A cork floor offers more than just a great surface to play on. It offers a clean environment to help a child grow up healthy and happy. Peace of mind added to the peace and quiet of a healthy household; what could be better? .